At the beach I sat,
With wind tossed in the ocean afront,
Blind to the market place I was;
Leaving dark vision on my sight.
My tomorrow I thought, my future,
Making rays of Stars as sample,
Like a yoga I sat afront the stormy sea,
Dark voices surroundings.
One day,
A day I say,
A day saw yet, blind to eyes,
One day was the whisper to my ears;
A thinker- one day I'll be.
One day,
Black on black on Papyrus,
Silence to ears.
One day,
New dawn to the blind,
And darkness to the seen;
One day they say,
In my ears jingling like a bell,
One day I heard,
Like a military watchword on the battlefield.
One day,
Some days to come,
Leaving dead days at the rear,
Some days,
Yes! Felt by my brow;
One day,
A day seen, yet to be known,
A Poet I will be.
One day,
A day seen yet,refuse to come,
One day,
Some days,
Yea, a day, yet untold!
One day....

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